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Union City
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Logan students keep mixed feelings towards GoGuardian

By Harleen Kaur, Courier Staff Writer Go-Guardian is a software sponsored by schools who supply chromebooks for teachers to use nationwide. It cost schools approximately lower...

The End of UC and CSU Application Brings Reflection

By Catherine De Leon, Courier Staff Writer Class of 2017 pace to submit applications for the fall 2017 UC and CSU deadlines. From letters of recommendation...

UC Berkeley Came to Logan, and Here Is What You Might’ve Missed

By Cameren Brown, Courier Staff Writer UC Berkeley held its presentation at James Logan High School on October 6, and answered many students’ concerns regarding applications. The...

Math Mentoring Program

By Matthew Wong, Courier Staff Writer Math Mentoring is a program designed to help students in need with math or need community service hours at James...

#DecolonizingFeminism: The 31st Annual EWOCC Creative Writing Contest

By Amber McGee Editor in Chief The Empowering Women of Color Conference (EWOCC) is holding their 31st annual creative writing contest, open to students ages 13-19...

Stanford Medical Program Available to Students

  By Jovanna Brinck Courier Columnist  Logan students interested in medicine and other health-related careers should take notice to the Stanford Medical 2016 Summer Residential Program. This five-week...

Freelee The Banana Girl

By Raizel Ochoa Courier Staff Reporter Freelee The Banana Girl, as she likes to call herself, has the most famous vegan channel on Youtube. She spreads...

Students Prepare for El Nino

By Danielle Israde Courier Staff Reporter 2015 in California has welcomed an El Nino winter. There has been a lot of rain, wind and overall a...

College Spotlight: CSU Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

By Ajuni Kaur Courier Staff Reporter CSU Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is a beautiful campus located in San Luis Obispo, California. This public university was founded...

Wii U Sales Fall Through

By Salvador Garcia Courier Staff Reporter In the year 2012, Nintendo released a new console called Wii U. The Wii U isn’t very successful, It has...