By Raizel Ochoa

Courier Staff Reporterdownload (3)

Freelee The Banana Girl, as she likes to call herself, has the most famous vegan channel on Youtube. She spreads awareness of animal cruelty, planet destroyment, and human health. Most of her viewers have strong negative or positive beliefs about how she is changing other people’s lives.

One reason why some may loathe The Banana Girl is because she continuously shows off her body with tight crops top and skin hugging pants. She says she enjoys to expose it to the world because she is proud that she has found a lifestyle that allows her to eat as much as she wants daily while feeling fresh and energized after every meal without gaining excess fat in the future.

Now let’s get to her “diet”. Freelee eats incredibly large amounts of fruit until the time of 4 o’clock in the afternoon. After that, she eats huge vegan meals. The name of her food style is “raw till 4”. Ones who follow this way of eating is able to consume unlimited amounts of calories and carbohydrates while lesseningtheir fat intake. Benefits of this lifestyle include loads of energy, unlimited amounts of food, and if you care about aesthetics, a lean body. Along with going against the beating of farm animals, water saving, and planet life conservation.

Freelee, and many other vegans, claim that humanity was never meant to consume animal products because of the varieties of diseases and the lack of energy it provides. This community believes that milk should only come from one’s mother at the beginning of one’s birth. Most vegans do not support the milk industry also because the baby of the milk provider is forced out of the mother’s care right when he or she is born.

The process of creating animal products also affect the planet we live on. There are barely any farms that are not factories. That takes up acres of green land especially for the food we consume. Therefore our animals are not fed or treated in a healthy way to allow us to eat healthy products. According to the the Los Angeles Times, we waste 660 gallons of water in order to make a ⅓ pound burger, and 1,799 gallons of water to make a pound of beef.

Many people believe veganism is a dangerous and unhealthy way of living. Even vegans have once believed that before they were informed. So much people believe vegans are always hungry and tired, but that is not the case for all. If you know one who is often tired, then that person is probably not eating enough. If herbivores eat enough, the can be the most lively people on earth.

Freelee’s favorite form of exercise is mountain biking. How does a weak vegan even walk up a hill? The question is, how can one pass all her fellow bikers up a mountain on a vegan diet and sprint faster and longer than most?