By Catherine De Leon, Courier Staff Writer

Class of 2017 pace to submit applications for the fall 2017 UC and CSU deadlines. From letters of recommendation to studying for SAT/ACT, Applying for college is different for everyone. Some experience it easy and for others, not so much.

For Senior, Drew Mangonon, the application process for the CSU system was easier than he thought. “What was difficult for me was not knowing all the information I needed to apply. Luckily, Counselors, College Visits, and Campus tours helped me a lot.” He said, “The vibe off the colleges I visited drawn me to applying to state colleges.” Aspiring Computer Engineer, Huy Do, applied to both UC and CSUs and experienced the process differently. “For me, It was stressful. From choosing what school to apply to, to Personal Insight Questions.” He described it as “time consuming.”

Timothy Ernst, whom already got an acceptance letter from University of Minnesota, also applied to various UC/CSUs. He said “the application process was easy, but tedious.” He seeks to be a politician or a marine biologist based on the colleges that he gets acceptance from. For Senior, Alyna Mostajo, the application process went by smooth. With her early action applications for private schools due earlier this month, she mentioned, “I thought it was going to be harder than it was,” she said, “It was fast and simple.” She chose only applying to private schools because of a smaller community rather than a big university or college town.

Huy Do advised, “Start early on your applications! Do not procrastinate. It feels good to finish early.”  Looking back at the process, we should celebrate to be done with the process, but learn from the struggles that we had endured, due to procrastination, peer competition, and self-doubts.  As some of us head to the regular decision process, we should plan out our dates and be on top of our game.