By Salvador Garcia

Courier Staff Reporter

In the year 2012, Nintendo released a new console called Wii U. The Wii U isn’t very successful, It has sold poorly so far and is one of the worst Nintendo consoles in terms of sales.  

Sony and Microsoft released the next generation consoles in 2013 immediately. This is nothing unusual except that they sold more consoles than the Wii U in two months.

Nintendo has sold so terribly recently that they decided to not compete with Sony or Microsoft. This is a huge disappointment for Nintendo fans as all they want is a console that can compete equally like they did back in the day.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-aime said “You don’t need the best graphics to have fun”, I totally agree, except it’s not a good way to attract new gamers. Nintendo Wii U’s graphics are a whole generation behind and i think it’s one reason why it’s not doing well.

Nintendo’s Online gaming experience has improved a lot however there’s not much lobbies or parties where you can invite a friend and play against other players around the world.  Nintendo needs a new Image.

Nintendo is known for making party/family games and having 90% of their games appeal to little kids. It’s Time to move on and add some strong language,blood, etc.

Games such as GTA sell so much because of this. Gamers love this, and if you don’t think it’s true then why are Rated M games full of children?

Every company has it’s ups and downs. Sony wasn’t doing well with it’s first console (PS1), In the year 2000 they introduced the PS2 which has the world record for console sales(155 million overall) and now the PS4 is leading the highest next-gen console sales so far in 2015.  I still believe in Nintendo making a great comeback. They just need to be patient.

Nintendo disappointed their biggest fans at this year’s E3. A lot of people including myself saw it as a big joke. It wasn’t live and they didn’t deliver the games we wanted as a community like a new Metroid game that’s actually about Samus, or a Zelda game, or even another Mario game, infact the worst part is that they only released 2 Wii U game trailers. One thing Nintendo is known for is being really bad at marketing.

There’s a rumour going around that Nintendo is now working on a new project called Nintendo NX, a new console that will compete with Sony and Microsoft’s PS4 and XBOX ONE. According to the rumours it will have the next generation graphics, a better engine, more gigabytes,  and will be released sometime around 2016.

If these rumours are true then Nintendo is making a terrible mistake. First off if they release a new console in the next two years or so, then it leaves it in the middle of a new generation that is already going on. A video game generation lasts 6-7 years, PS4 and XBOX1’s generation will end around 2019-2020, by that time nintendo NX will be half way through its generation leaving it in the same spot again, half a generation behind

Nintendo needs to think about how it will do in the future. In my opinion the best thing for Nintendo to do in order to compete again is to just wait, rushing a console into success isn’t a good idea. For now work on the Wii U. I’m sure with games like Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 in a  few years will get better sales.

There are plenty of youtubers giving their own opinion on what Nintendo needs to do. One thing for sure Nintendo needs to do is listen to it’s biggest fans. Because the little kid audience isn’t going to take this company very far.