By Romi Cablay, Courier Staff Writer

Work-to-rule had happened at James Logan High School. It started March 15 and ended May 9.

Work-to-rule is an industrial action in which employees do no more than minimum required by the rules of their contract and follow all safety or other regulations, which can slow down or decrease productivity.

Work-to-rule came about after teachers weren’t working without a contract since July 1st of 2017. Work to rule came after the teachers’ union, the NHTA, went through some stages in their contract negotiation process and didn’t feel they were getting contract offer that they were seeking. Teachers felt that they needed to make the district aware of how much time they spend doing their jobs outside of their contractual work hours in order to be effective teachers. They were hoping that they would realize teachers deserve what they’re asking for.

They wanted 2 percent cost of living increase. 15,000 dollar stipend extra money.

I’ve got the chance to interview one of the many teachers that participated in work-to-rule. Ms. Tripepi, an ERWC and American Literature teacher, states how it was hard for her because students were unable to turn in late work because of her policy, which was to stay ten minutes before or after school to serve their late work and with work-to rule students couldn’t get that chance. It hard for her to be available to other students and ad to devote class time to allow their makeup things and work on things, like “Book Talks.” She participated in work-to-rule because she was the member of the union and needed to support.

Going on, I’ve also got a chance to interview a student that constantly goes to her teachers for extra help, turn in any work, or go into her classroom to study.

Vanessa Franco- Castillo, a senior, states, “ Before work to rule, I felt close to my teachers. I could talk to any of my teachers without a worry in the world. However, since work to rule began, I felt somewhat distant to them. Work-to-rule have brought me much stress and anxiety, even though it’s probably brought teachers a lot due to the inability to grade during non-work hours. Since work to rule is over, I feel immense relief!”

Work-to-rule is finally over and both teachers and students don’t have to stress over anything anymore. Teachers have finally reached an agreement and got what they deserve after all the best treatment for all they do for us.