By Matthew Wong, Courier Staff Writer

rogue-oneThe final Rogue One trailer was released on Oct 13, 2016. This trailer gives us more detail about Felicity Jones’ character’s origin before she became a part of the rebellion.

The trailer starts with Jyn Erso, the main protagonist, as a child. Her father told her to hide before he was taken by an imperial officer with the name of Orson Krennic. It was actually a flashback when Jyn woke up inside an imperial prison. Later on, she is inside an imperial transport, when suddenly the rebels hijack it. The rebels recruit her knowing that she has broken the law and gotten in trouble with the empire many times before, she is then introduced to the crew she will be working with. Although the trailer does not state this, they will probably name themselves ‘Rogue One’ because the imperial droid that is with them is a rogue. The mission they have to undertake has something do with Jyn’s father and the Death Star.

Overall, the trailer shows a lot of promise, I just hope it lives up to the hype that the movie has collected.