By Carlos Velasco, Courier Chief Photographer

resident-evil-7Dark red blood covers the walls of the house. You’re walking through a long hallway, come to a door and it flings open and you’re met by a 7 foot, bandage covered monster.

“Resident Evil 7: Biohazard” is the seventh installment of the Resident Evil franchise, developed and published by Capcom. In the previous games, they’ve started to drift away from real horror and the fear of what lurks around the corner, and turned it into zombies relentlessly trying to eat you; but in this game, they’ve returned back to minimal HUD, dark rooms, and vast environments.

In this edition of the game, you have to make your way through a house in which the owners have had some sort of evil spirit infect all aspects of it. The people who have died there become part of an undead family from what we can gather. The house has multiple areas and secret passages. The game will have an ending based on decisions you make while playing it, similar to “Until Dawn” which came out last year.

The characters seen in the demo won’t influence the game directly as they’re just there to set the mood for the game and display the atmosphere. Sadly, there will not be an Umbrella Corporation associated with the game. Resident Evil fans will be happy to see that “RE:7” will be taking it back to a haunted residence as the title of the game implies. Although, the game will have almost no HUD and the main character has no combat experience, like the last couple of the games have, there will be weapons to use to combat ourselves as best we can.

The game will be out in January of 2017 for Xbox 1, PS4, and Microsoft Windows players to both enjoy and dread.