By Erica Garcia, Courier Staff Writer

James Logan held its annual Welcome Back assemblies on September 5th and 6th, kicking off the school year in an energetic and informational fashion. It is the second year since these assemblies have been implemented, and the majority of feedback received has been positive.

The assemblies began with introductions to Logan’s administrators, counselors, office workers and other staff members. Mr. Brar then continued by praising Logan for its diverse community and its many achievements in academics, arts, music, sports, and forensics. The assemblies ended with a game for the students, hosted by students themselves.

Quynh Phuong Nguyen, a 12th-grader, said that it was “very insightful and creative because of all of the activities and introductions.” She adds that she will be looking forward to more assemblies and is “excited to see what happens next.”

Another senior, Jason Cerezo, said that it was fun because of the combination of games and information, which is “useful to the school.” Cerezo said that he enjoyed the assembly, but hoped that there would be more: “it wasn’t as spirited or energetic as last year.”

Senior Jeremy Patrick Zamora, who attended the assembly on the 5th, agrees. However, he added that “there should be more assemblies,” and he definitely hopes for more as it is his last year here.

Rest assured, Mr. Brar confirmed in an interview that there will, in fact, be at least one more school-wide assembly at the beginning of second semester, including “some mid-year check-in.” Mr. Brar then said that his hope, as he and others organize more assemblies, is that assemblies become viewed as “a celebration of who we are […] making sure that everybody gets to see themselves represented.”

Furthermore, Mr. Brar mentioned the possibility of non-mandatory assemblies during 4th and 5th period lunch, which he and the new activities director, Mr. Malcolm are currently planning. Mr Brar expressed that the school spirit felt very upbeat, and he hopes it will stay that way throughout the rest of the year.