By Nathalie Lum, Courier Sports Editor

goguardianThe privacy of multiple Logan students has now been breached, as Logan teachers incorporate a new laptop surveillance system into their classrooms.

GoGuardian is a program that allows teachers to access and view what students are doing on their computers. One of its key features is the ability to lock any student´s Chromebook while they are logged into their school email. Both students and teachers have differing views about the effects of GoGuardian.

Students, for the most part, disagree with the use of GoGuardian. Many of them have negative attitudes towards the software. ¨I think it´s doing too much,¨ says Hannah Garzota, a senior. ¨I get that some kids will go off topic on their laptops but it´s unnecessary.¨ There are also some students who hold very strong oppositions towards GoGuardian. ¨They [the teachers] don´t have the right to use it because students deserve their privacy,¨ states Kaitlyn Tamondong, a senior. The general consensus among students is that they feel uncomfortable knowing that teachers have the power to view all their internet activity. Possibly, students are more inclined to feel opposition to GoGuardian due to their desire to use their school laptops for personal entertainment. However, this negative opinion is not held by everyone.

Teachers see GoGuardian in a brighter light. Economics teacher Mr. Dolgin comments that ¨the point of using Chromebooks in the classroom is for class related use. If teachers can monitor student laptops, then it´ll force them to stay on task.¨ Other teachers feel indifferent about GoGuardian. “While I think it’s good, it has its limitations,” says chemistry teacher Mr. Harper, “It’s not as effective as it could be, but it’s a good start.” The faculty at Logan hold GoGuardian to a higher standard and see it as something that can pave the way for classroom efficiency.

In today´s technology-fueled world, virtual privacy has become a major concern among consumers. For the most part, students believe that GoGuardian pushes the boundaries of internet security, while teachers believe the software promotes appropriate use of Chromebooks in the classroom. Both groups have validity in their arguments. Is GoGuardian something that will improve student productivity and make students stay on task? Or is it an invasion of privacy? The opinion is yours to decide.