By Richard Pabalate, Courier Staff Writer 

On May 10, 2018, the sequel to the movie Deadpool hit the movies, capturing the attention of comic book fanatics worldwide, and even those new to superhero films. The protagonist, played by renowned actor Ryan Reynolds, seeks to do justice after losing his girlfriend in a deadly apartment ambush.

As Deadpool tries to kill himself because of his pain of living without his partner, he finds himself unable to become one with his girlfriend in the afterlife, as she deems him “not ready”. Deadpool then tries repeatedly to find peace in his afterlife, and after taking many lives and sacrificing his pride for others, he eventually achieves his goal. However, he has to continue serving others until he can finally live with his partner.]

Deadpool 2 seems to have an underlying theme that many audiences can relate to. At James Logan, several comic book fanatics commented on the new movie, most of their comments being positive.

Senior and ASB president Alexa Sass saw Deadpool 2 a few days after the release. Because she didn’t see the first film, “in the beginning [she] [..] was so confused, probably like everyone else.”

However, she felt that “everything tied in to make sense at the end”, making for an exciting plot. When asked what she’d rate it, she replied, “Definitely an 8 out of 10. It’d probably be higher if I watched the first one, or knew more background on Deadpool’s character.”

Another senior and huge comic book fan, Jerrald James Sarmiento, stated “It was [expletive] awesome!” He thought “it was crazy how much Deadpool doesn’t care about anything [..]” at first, but when his girlfriend was taken away, he was totally angered. He also noted how “Deadpool is the only character who breaks the 4th wall” in the comics, but there were loads of funny 4th wall breaks in the movie.

“I’m pretty harsh on movies, with me being an actor, but I’d give Deadpool a 10 out of 10,” Jerrald stated. We asked him what he believed was the underlying theme, and he replied, “Well, I think it was to live with the purpose to please other people. Deadpool couldn’t die in peace he finally did something for others, so I think that’s true for all of us.”

Last but not least, we interviewed senior and University of Miami commit Hannah Hall. She said, “I liked it! I’m not really into movies like that, with the killing and stuff, but Deadpool was pretty funny.” Although she “wanted to leave in the beginning”, she became really hooked as the movie went on.

“There’s for sure a lot of “WTF” moments”, she remarked, “but it all made sense at the end. I think the movie was trying to show people that to reach heaven, you have to do good for others.”

There you have it! Deadpool 2 was a hit. For non-comic book fans, and huge comic book fans, it was an amazing followup to the first film.. If you’re a teenager or older, you should definitely give it a watch.