By Alyssa Tornel, Entertainment Editor

“A Quiet Place” will keep you on the edge of your seat and experience so many emotions in just an hour and 35 minutes.

“A Quiet Place” stars John Krasinski and Emily Blunt who are both an on/off screen couple. Lee (Krasinski) and Evelyn (Blunt) are trying to survive and keep their two children, Regan and Marcus (Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe, respectively) alive as well. The whole world is in an apocalyptic state because Earth has been taken over by blind, armored alien-like creatures who attack sound. After another tragedy strikes that Regan believes is her fault, the family has to move on and Evelyn finds out she’s pregnant. One day, Lee takes Marcus to learn how to catch food when Evelyn goes into labor. Evelyn goes into a state of panic because while going into labor she gets hurt and lets out a scream that draws the creatures to their house. While Lee goes to protect Evelyn, Marcus and Regan get separated from their parents and they all have to figure out how to survive the night without the creatures finding out where they are.  

Throughout the movie you’re constantly feeling on edge because you know something is just going to make a loud noise to break the silence, freaking you out. The movie bases its scare factor on loud noises that will catch you off guard. People in the theater didn’t eat their snacks during the silent parts of the movie because they were afraid that’d it create too much noise. Some people even gave you dirty looks if you tried to eat or move in your seat too much. Every time there was a loud noise or moment in the movie, you could see everyone rushing to eat their snacks or move in their seats because they didn’t want to disturb during a quiet moment. Watching it in a quiet theater is a must to get you completely immersed into the film.

John Krasinski did an amazing job at this being his first major movie he starred in and directed. He was able to get amazing shots that made the movie flow a lot better. He also had to show a lot more of what was happening because the characters couldn’t explain what was going on. The shots, especially at night, when the creatures invaded their house really stood out because the lighting and framing was done so beautifully.

Noah Jupe and Millicent Simmonds really stood out because they were so young, yet such good actors. They conveyed the emotions their characters felt so well because they couldn’t use their words to do so. 

At first I thought this was just a scary movie that was all about scaring the audience with some jump scares or gory scenes but it turned out to be so much more than that. There were definitely some tear-jerking moments that I didn’t expect first going into watching it. It had so much more than just scares which sets this movie apart from other scary movies.

This movie is definitely worth the watch and deserves all the hype it’s been getting. The whole cast did such an amazing job at conveying the emotions they felt and just overall worked so well together. “A Quiet Place” has paved the way for other scary movies to be more than just scary.