Going to school five days a week can make us feel like we’re carrying a boulder to the top of a mountain; we’re trying to push through as hard as we can, but it’s tough. 

Soon enough, boredom starts to sink in, and you’re left thinking when it’s all going to end. You start to fantasize about that inevitable step to the podium when you pat yourself on the back for surviving four treacherous years. 

This is the predictable high school experience and you question, “What can I do to fill in the gaps of boredom?” There is a pretty solid chance that you watched a Youtube video or scrolled through an Instagram account today. 

You probably had the mindset of “there was nothing else to do”; during a party, you probably couldn’t fathom the rhetorical dialogue of your parents, so you go on an internet rampage to pass the time. 

There is this stereotype that we, teenagers, don’t communicate very well. There are some people like that digital recognition of posting a 5-second video. It’s very thrilling to see that their content is being appreciated online.

I used to watch Youtubers like JackSepticEye and PewdiePie. I never thought I truly needed it, to be frank. People would say I’m “missing out on a lot of things”, but to be honest, I don’t understand the point. 

I’m not speaking for everyone, but I think my life is tranquil and simple. For some reason, the appreciation that I gathered from simply staying at home was enough to supplement me. 

I didn’t have the desire to fill in the boredom gaps because I appreciated what was around me. We lost that notion to realize that the world is an interesting landscape where each day is an exciting adventure. We were kind of like this as children, fooling around, running through the hallways like we were maniacs, using rulers to swordfight. 

Find something that makes you say, “I appreciate my time on Earth.” Would you find that in a photo of two guys fighting each other?