January 20th was President Joe Biden’s first day in office. In just one day, he’s signed many documents to help our nation heal, such as ending the Muslim travel ban, pledged to sign the Equality Act,helped stop discrimination again the LGBTQ+ community, and paused gas and oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

Within 24 hours of entering office, President Joe Biden ended the Muslim travel ban by signing off on a document. President Biden believes that by doing this, it will help correct the wrongs former President Donald Trump inflicted on Muslims.

“They have jeopardized our global network of alliances and partnerships and are a moral blight that has dulled the power of our example the world over. And they have separated loved ones, inflicting pain that will ripple for years to come. They are just plain wrong.” President Biden proclaimed.

Along with signing a document ending the Muslim travel ban, President Joe Biden pledged to sign the Equality act. Biden ordered every federal agency to make it clear that the civil rights laws included prohibition against sex discrimination, sexual orientation, and gender identity. With this, Biden will help stop discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.

Biden instructed agencies to “Review all existing orders, regulations, guidance documents, policies, programs, or other agency actions.” This was to make sure all agencies followed the civil rights laws.

With all these documents, President Biden has been signing executive orders to protect human rights. Biden has also been trying to protect the environment. Biden has enacted a 60-day ban on new oil and gas drilling permits on federal lands and waters, including the Gulf of Mexico. However, some disliked Biden’s new ban on oil and gas permits. 

“This act of prohibiting leasing and permitting in all areas of the outer continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico is extremely short-sighted and will hurt our Gulf coast citizens at a time when they are already struggling.” The Thibodaux-based Gulf Economic Survival Team’s executive director stated.

Biden wants to help America heal from all the suffering we had to endure during the past years. He’s ordered to stop discrimination and to stop the harm to the environment. President Joe Biden has done many things in just 24 hours, many things to help us make amends.