The COVID Pandemic has changed our lives indefinitely. Along with the financial struggles of a closed economy, people have to spend most of their time in quarantine. We are no longer able to enjoy everyday activities such as going to school, going to a shopping mall, watching the newest movies at the theater with some friends, or even going out for lunch. For the most part, the only time people have gone out in the past few months was for necessities such as food and water. Along with the challenges and strain that puts on our mental health, it puts our physical health will be in shambles as well. This begs the question: what are Union City residents doing to stay active during quarantine?

Although it may not seem like it, there are a wide variety of activities you can do here in the Bay while social distancing. Both parks and trails are open, as well as outdoor yoga, and a nice sunbathing session while socially distanced at a beach. You can go for a hike in the majestic redwood forest (well could, many have been on fire). The Oakland and San Francisco zoos are open now as well. We may be far away from having parties again but having a picnic 6 feet apart with your friends while following CDC (Center for Disease Control) guidelines does no harm, just don’t forget a mask. Union City residents are free to do all of these activities.

Diego Urena

“My favorite way to stay active is skating,” said an unnamed skater at the skatepark as he picks up his board. “I have a job and school so I’m already pretty busy but I try my best to come here as often as I can because I love to skate and I get to see my friends.” When asked about wearing masks and following social distancing, he laughed and said, “I mean sometimes we wear masks, I’m pretty sure I won’t get it though.” From what I observed on the day I went to the skatepark, not many people were wearing masks or social distancing.

Diego Urena

Jenifer, a freshman college student who lives here in Union City says that her way of staying active isn’t outdoors at all. “Going out when it isn’t necessary is frowned upon in my household, so what I do to get my exercise in is work out indoors. I watch workout dvds that I found in my garage to stay fit during quarantine. I work out three to four times a week for an hour.” When I asked her about going outdoors she said, “ Occasionally my family goes out for a walk at the beach in San Francisco, other than that the only time I go out is to pick up food or to go grocery shopping.

Quarantine has been tough on all of us and many studies show that many Americans have been struggling with their mental health during it. Staying active and keeping busy is a great way to help yourself stay fit and mentally stable. Luckily for us, we are still able to go outside and stay physically healthy and Union City residents have been great at doing just that.

All photos by the author.