By Michael Morales, Courier Staff Writer
In a recent radio interview Donald Trump was unclear on why the American Civil War happened and even debated if it could have “worked out”. This caused controversy on many social media platforms and confusion among journalists. If Trump is seriously unaware of why the Civil War happened then I believe it is a cause for some concern. Mainly because almost everybody learned about it during high School or middle School and it’s even a question on the citizenship test. Maybe Trump should be asked about other American conflicts such as the Revolutionary war or the War of 1812.
For those who may not know, the Civil War was fought over slavery mainly

Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center. At the rally, not only did Trump talk about economic and healthcare reforms, but as was also endorsed by former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin.
between free and slave states. The war lasted about 4 years until Robert E. Lee surrendered to the army of Ulysses S. Grant. From the 3 million soldiers that fought in the war an estimated 620,000 died but a study puts the number of deceased as high as 850,000. This is highest amount of casualties that have ever come from an American War. The president at the time was Abraham Lincoln who won with a percentage of 39.8%. To me the civil war is one of the most tragic and controversial wars to ever happen because it was fought amongst the American People.
As many people may not know, Trump has somewhat of an obsession with Andrew Jackson. Trump has been spotted visiting his plantation, placing a wreath at his tomb and hanging up his portrait in the white house.Later in the interview Trump stated “I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later you wouldn’t have had the Civil War,” . Ironically Jackson himself was a slave owner who was in charge of 150 men and women. In the same interview, Mr Trump stated that Jackson “had a very, very mean and nasty campaign” and “unfortunately it continues”. This is a very weird statement considering all the love Trump has given Jackson. Our president needs to learn how to choose his words more wisely in future interviews.