There are a variety of trends that arise on social media. Especially on TikTok, trends that are related to makeup, fashion, music, or food are the ones that tons of people love to partake in. While the majority of these trends come and go, a handful of them stick around for long. Recently, there have been consistent trends on Tiktok where people try out all kinds of things to see if they are considered “attractive.” These include people comparing themselves with celebrities, social media influencers, or even other users on the app. Most people who do these trends only do so to highlight their own insecurities. Others do it to show off their appearances. The issue with each of these viral beauty trends is that they perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards which are very harmful for impressionable teens and children, which is the majority of the people on the app.

These beauty scales aren’t even scientifically proven. For instance, some of them say things like “If your forehead, nose, and lower mouth are of the same length, then you have a perfect face,” or, “You’re attractive if you have eight to ten teeth showing when you smile.” Comments under these videos are always one of two things: complimenting and reassuring the creator, or bullying their appearance. 

There are often times where people use these trends to their advantage. There are many videos of people who show their side profile, jawline, or anything that makes them look attractive. The comments on these types of videos can be rather concerning. The phrase “I guess I’ll not eat today” is a common one that can be found in comment sections of videos where skinny girls show off their bodies.  This is undoubtedly harmful to the young teens who look in the comments, even if the creator didn’t have that malicious intent. Eating disorders or body dysmorphia can ultimately develop from Tiktok beauty trends. 

These TikTok trends have been going on for quite some time. Luckily, there have been other trends and a few influencers that promote body positivity. Other users have spoken up about the problems of these beauty trends as well. Overall, these TikTok trends shouldn’t be putting people into groups according to their side profiles or body type. Everyone should realize that everybody has their own interesting qualities. Everybody has their own flaws.  Everybody has their own nose shape. Everybody has their own body shape. Everybody is different. Nobody is the same. A TikTok trend can’t define whether or not you’re good-looking. You are beautiful in your own way.