If you are eligible to vote for the upcoming presidential election on November 3rd, you should seriously consider exercising your right to vote. As a young adult, you might think that since you are so young, your vote will have no effect on the results of the election. Or maybe you do not feel ready. Take a few minutes to understand what is on the line and what is offered from each of the candidates. Think about how your life may be affected by these propositions and policies that would potentially be passed. If you do not like what you are imagining, then go vote and make a difference.

 How choosing not to vote could affect you 

As an 18-year-old, you are most likely going to pick up many new responsibilities like getting a job and considering different health care plans. You might be worried how you will make an adequate amount of money while balancing school. For the case of increasing minimum wage, Biden is in favor of increasing it while Trump does not think increasing it is necessary.  Right now, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, which is pretty low, considering the rise in cost of living all over the country. Biden has plans to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, which would be very good for young people coming out of high school, wondering how they will pay for living necessities while starting college.  

Another huge thing for new adults is Health Care.  Health care can be expensive and is not easily accessible, especially for younger people with no solid career. The two candidates have two different ideas for addressing the problem with health care. Biden will put into place an affordable health care system for everyone while Trump has actually been trying to get rid of the ACA (Affordable Care Act). According to the article, “Comparing Biden’s And Trump’s Different Visions For Health Care” NPR, “President Trump has — from Day 1 — pushed for repealing or overturning the ACA, and Joe Biden is pushing to build and expand on it,” says Larry Levitt.  Affordable care is so important for people who are starting out and simply can not afford ridiculously-priced health insurance.

 Go vote! 

Don’t be lazy! Your vote does count! If you are eligible and registered, hopefully you will take this information and vote. It is extremely important for you to vote because we are the next generation coming up, and we should do what we can to try to take the reins on our society and what could be influencing the future quality of our lives. A lot can happen in 4 years. It would be nice for mostly good things to happen. Ultimately, do what feels best for the future of your well-being and this country. We can not have this country go to shambles while our lives are only just beginning.