By Mary-Kay FloydCourier News Editor

No doubt, the first presidential debate, which took place on Monday, the 26th was a little messy.

Over 80 million Americans watched on TV, plus an extra 2 million watched by livestream on YouTube.  The debate trump-and-hillary-debatetook place at Hofstra University in New York, Long Island.

Let’s start with the word, “stamina.”  Trump decided to take a poke at Clinton when asked what he meant when he said that Hillary doesn’t carry the “presidential look.”

“She doesn’t have the look, she doesn’t have the stamina.  I said she doesn’t have the stamina… And I don’t believe she does have the stamina.  To be president of this country, you need to have tremendous stamina,” said the Republican candidate.

Many people felt that was a repetitive statement.

“Trump was getting really repetitive throughout the entire debate,” said Adela Villapando, a Logan student.

On a more serious matter, the moderator, Lester Holt, asked the candidates about race relations.

“We have to restore trust between the communities and the police… Everyone should be respected by the law and everyone should respect the law,” Secretary Clinton responds.

Trump takes it to a deeper tone, saying that this country needs law and order.

“We have to stop the violence, we have to bring back law and order,” said Trump.

Trump believes that stop and frisk is was a good way to bring down the violence of African American communities.

“Stop and frisk had a tremendous impact on the safety of New York City.”

According to RealClearPolitics, Hillary Clinton has 43.1% of the support and Donald Trump has 41.5%.
The next presidential debate will take place on Sunday, October 9 at Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri.  Make sure to also watch the vice presidential debate on Tuesday, October 4th at 7:30pm, PT.


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