By Kirthana Iyer

Courier Staff Reporter

The CAASPP is the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress. Every junior must take the CAASPP and it accounts CSU/Community College scores.

Unlike the SAT and ACT, the CAASPP is a test that has no prep class and simply makes sure that teachers are keeping up with the basic Common Core standards.

This year, our CAASPP schedule has become quite interesting. Instead of having our entire junior class take the CAASPP test, the school is creating a new agenda so that AP students have the test at a later time.

The schedule wants to make it so that Advanced Placement have time to study for their AP tests before having a two week testing period. The schedule makes it so that if you are enrolled in both AP Language and Composition and AP U.S. History, you omit the test until after the AP tests are completely over. While this helps some, it hurts many more.

While many students take AP Language, not many people take AP U.S. History. The reasoning being the time and effort that it requires.

Mr. Henderson, an APUSH and regular History teacher, states how it is a struggle to get many AP World students into APUSH. Out of the roughly 1000 students in the class of 2017, there are only two classes for AP U.S. History compared to the numerous regular U.S History classes at our school.

This disparity between the amount of students in AP and regular classes makes the CAASPP schedule even weirder. A majority of the students will now be taking the math test before the AP tests, and taking the English one post-AP testing.