By Jessica EsquibelFullSizeRender (4)

Courier Staff Writer

Dijon, a blogger, filmmaker, and photographer recently came to Logan and interviewed a couple of our very own Colts. He travels around the Bay Area, mostly San Francisco, and stops anyone on the street and has a conversation with them. He then takes their photo and posts it on all of Souls of SF social media websites. His goal out of this is to ‘uplift the community.’ If you were to go to any of the social media websites you could clearly tell that everyone he interviews all have different stories to tell and that we’re all unique.We were able to contact Dijon and ask him a few questions about the project.


James Logan Courier: So what encouraged you to do this project?


Dijon: I started this project because I wanted to be able to connect with people and make art at the same time.

JLC: How often do you go out and interview people?


D: I go out to interview multiple times a week. I’ve been doing it 3 years so the amount varies. Sometimes it’s everyday, sometimes is 3-4 times a week.


JLC: I also noticed you go to festivals and do interviews there, what’s your favorite festival?


D: My favorite festival so far was Bliss Camp. It was pretty intimate, it was in nature, and there was no alcohol. It had the highest vibe of any festival I’ve been to so far.


JLC: How long have you lived in San Francisco?


D: I’ve been in the bay 7 years and it’s be incredibly transformative. I’ve learned so much and connected with so many people. I’m really grateful for that.


JLC: Is there a certain type of person you usually approach or is it totally random?


D:  I approach anyone who catches my interest and is open. I start by looking people in the eyes and smiling. If they smile back then I feel like it’s okay to approach them.


JLC: And finally, what’s your favorite thing about doing this project? Thanks again! Hope you come back to Logan soon.


D: My favorite thing is getting to meet so many types of people everywhere. The project is a great ice breaker. I’ve dated people I’ve met doing this, I’ve made new friends, so many wonderful things have opened up to me since I started doing this. I am blessed. Thanks for taking an interest. Hope to see you guys again sometime!

Nine Logan students had the opportunity to actually get an interview with Dijon. So if you wanted to check those out they are all posted on every social media for Souls of SF.  Their Instagram is @soulsofsanfrancisco so make sure to go follow them there. You can also follow their the blog on Tumblr, and see updates on their website