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By Leilani Neal
Courier Staff Writer
After 5 consecutive seasons of AMC’s successful TV show, The Walking Dead, the show is still going stronger than ever. With a mid-season finale that premiered November 30, 2014 with a shocking ending! But is there a possibility that this life we watch foreshadows our worlds soon future?
Speaking with students of James Logan High School, they voice everything from fear to pure amusement! “If the zombie apocalypse really happened I’d take my dog and hide…” (Yoselin, Class of 2015) to “If the world turned to that and I was gonna die, I’d want to die fighting!” (Timothy, Class of 2015).Some people say not to listen or take into consideration the things that we see on television, but is it wrong to prepare? From most that show fear and some that show amusement, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.