By Erika Venegas, Courier Staff Writer

Is the government 10-20 years ahead of us with technology? Um, probably if robots that are almost as smart as us humans are being built by NASA, and other companies. When many people think about robots being built, they are worried that robots will steal jobs, especially in factories. But do people stop to think that if they become TOO advanced they’ll build up emotions and minds of their own and become a threat to those around?
This is has already begun. Columbia University’s Creative Machines Lab has built a robot with the power to stimulate themselves in a future situation they haven’t experienced yet. Isn’t this creepy? I mean we have sex dolls already! Whats next, cop robots?
Andrea Moncada, a former classmate is also skeptical about robot usage. “It can be helpful for humanity if we train them right but if we overdue it and hand them too much trust things can go wrong,”
Columbia isn’t the only one working on this advancement. UC Berkeley has built one named BRETT. BRETT can fold laundry, build lego blocks, and fir pegs into holes. Yes this is all impressive, but us humans may accidentally overdo it on the advancements and put ourselves in a terrible situation