By Zackary Nichols

Courier Staff Reporter

SeaWorld San Diego has announced that it will end its Orca whale shows amid protests from animal rights activists. The Killer whale shows are planned to be replaced by attractions that emphasis conservation and the Orca whale’s natural behavior.

While many are enthusiastic about the change, others are asking “is it enough?”

“I think it’s a good step in the right direction, however not having Orca whales in captivity at all would probably, from many people’s perspective, be the right answer“ said marine biology teacher Ms. Childers.

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, representative Jared Goodman says that the change is necessary, but compared the move to “no longer whipping lions in a circus act, but keeping them locked inside cages for life.”

SeaWorld has seen a revenue and attendance drop since the 2013 release of the documentary “Blackfish.” The documentary focuses on the controversy surrounding the captivity of Killer whales. The film created a lot of controversy about the treatment of Orca whales in the parks.

“[Orcas] live in family groups and have relationships. They probably don’t enjoy being imprisoned,” continued Childers. “Nothing is happening overnight, but the good news is that [SeaWorld] is responding to the general concern about the health of the Orcas from not just the environmental community, but from consumers in general.”

SeaWorld San Diego is planning end its current show and to open its new “natural orca experience” in 2017. The original show will continue at SeaWorld San Antonio and Orlando.