By Kelly Lan and Romi Cablay, Courier Staff Writers

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s time to turn your cheery mood on and listen to music that brings joy to you.
There are a variety of Christmas songs on the radio to choose from. But in that case, do you prefer classic Christmas songs dating back to the 1700s or the more hip hop and pop vibes of the newer Christmas songs?
We decided to interview people at James Logan High School and get their opinions on what Christmas songs they prefer.
Most people agree that they prefer the older, classic Christmas songs.
Kiana Giron, a senior stated that “Old christmas songs sound better, sounds more classic. Now it’s like most of them are remakes. They are just all like hip hop christmas songs and they’re all just repetition of old songs.”
Sukhmani Batra, a twelveth grader also agrees. She states “I’m partial to old ones because I just feel like I’ve grown up with them in classes and in the environment, but I do like some of the newer Christmas songs.”
Another senior, Simran Kalkat says that she “[prefers] the old Christmas songs, because they are the songs that we’ve grown up with whereas the newer ones just don’t have the same nostalgic feel.”
We also got male perspectives on what Christmas songs they would prefer.
Justin Torres a freshman claimed that he would much likely prefer the old Christmas songs because it had much of a festive feel to it. He thinks the music now is too pop and personally doesn’t like it.
Andrew Torres a senior, stated “I prefer the music from before. It goes back to the roots. It’s more traditional and it sets the Christmas cheer more than now. Everything is all pop and all these transitions and unnecessary instrumental it’s just too much. The old Christmas music from long ago it’s my childhood.”
However, there are some people who prefer the newer Christmas albums.
Alyssa, a senior said “I like newer songs because I feel like the style of music that people like to listen to has changed like the way that people sang back when the old songs were made is different and I don’t like it as much. Sometimes I hear a cover of a an old song I feel like it sounds better than the original a lot of the times. I still love the old music, the classics bump, but I enjoy the modern ones a little more.”
Whether people like classic Christmas music or the more modern styles, everyone can agree that music is the perfect way to get into the holiday mood.