By Stephanie Ramirez, Courier Staff Writer

Before going to Nationals, the cheerleaders attended a showcase at Irvington High School on Friday, March 17. James Logan, American, Washington, and Irvington had the chance to complete the same routine as the one performed in Nationals.

Every year, the showcase is held to perform the routine for family and friends who can’t make it to the big competition. All the teams did 2 full outs, and as each team performed, we supported each other on the mat.

Nationals are held in the Anaheim Convention Center and the Logan Cheer Team will be competing on March 25th. As for the Fremont high schools and Union City, we all have the opportunity to take these routines out there. The showcase was another practice for us before we actually take the mat at Anaheim.

After all the improvements they made, the Logan Cheer Team pulled off their routine successfully. The team has grown and is competitive as any other sport at Logan; everytime they get a chance on the mat, they take advantage of it.

The Cheer Team gives it their all on the mat for their school. I do believe as a team we can pull off this routine at Nationals, as we have progressed through the season and it is time to take it to Anaheim and show them what we are capable of.