By Michael Morales, Courier Staff Writer

The late night television host, Stephen Colbert, has come under fire for making an explicit comment on the relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

On a recent episode of The Late Show, Colbert proclaimed boldly, “The only thing Trump’s mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster”. This comment has drawn a massive amount of controversy from the public.

Colbert is being called a homophobic on many social media platforms, especially Twitter. Many Twitter users have even started a campaign to get Colbert fired from his show, under the hashtag, #FireColbert.

This isn’t the first time people have tried to get Colbert fired–a similar campaign called #CancelColbert was launched in 2014. This time, Colbert was put under fire for a tweet that said, “I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.”

Many people of Asian descent were offended by Colbert’s joke, especially feminist Suey Park, who spearheaded the campaign. Park is an activist who is tired of Asian-American women not voicing their frustration. After Colbert provided context to the tweet, the #CancelColbert effort faded away.

Whether his comments are simply to poke fun or not, they are unacceptable for their vulgarity on various levels. Personally, I believe Colbert should take the consequences for his actions.


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