By Ajuni Kaur

Courier Staff Reporter

Foothill College is a community college located in Los Altos Hill, California.

It was found in 1957 and is approximately 22 miles away from Logan, going through the Bay Bridge. According to their site they are regarded at one of the most beautiful and successful community college.

Foothill College provides the opportunity to doing online courses that sometimes require certain prerequisites. However the online classes are not self-placeable. The online classes have time periods with weekly deadlines and ending dates. Due to the fact that these courses are time-based, one cannot complete the course before the assigned ending period. Most of their online courses are transferable to other university’s.

Community Colleges have TAG programs also known as Transfer Admission Guarantees. Signing up for a TAG program ensures a qualified student admission to the schools. SF State, SJ State, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, University of SF, Santa Clara University, Mills, College of Notre Dame, University of Pacific, and UC San Diego are all apart of this program.

105 credits are required to transfer to one of the TAG schools. In order to transfer to a California State University (CSU) a minimum GPA of 2.0 is required. To transfer to a University of California (UC) a minimum of 2.4 is required. However some majors of specific colleges require a higher GPA for the student to be admitted. Students must complete their general education (GE) before transferring. After transferring the students must complete upper division of Generation Education to ensure their Bachelor’s degree.

Foothill College will be on campus on February 23. For more information sign-up in the career center for college presentation.