Mental Health During Quarantine
The 2020 Quarantine has taken quite the toll on the mental health of students. Repeated routines make everyday feel the same, stale, and cold....
Union City Residents Staying Active During Quarantine?
The COVID Pandemic has changed our lives indefinitely. Along with the financial struggles of a closed economy, people have to spend most of their...
How to Be More Environmentally Aware at Home
By Tarsun Moua & Katelyn Phan
Climate change and the environment have always been circulating in the news. Some believe that climate change is not...
A Merry Break During a Tumultuous Year
The year is almost coming to an end. We have faced turmoil like never seen before, but people are finishing strong by putting ornaments...
What Will Finals Look Like This Year?
When finals season approaches, people often rush to get things done and cram in as much studying as they can. Adding to the franticness...
Stressing Over Finals?
This semester has been mentally and physically taxing on us students. Now with finals coming up your stress may be heightened and you may...
What High School Students Really Think About Virtual Learning
Everyday school life has changed for most students all across the nation. Due to the ongoing pandemic, students have had different experiences on what...
Adjusting to Virtual Learning
This school year, virtual learning is our only way of interacting with one another. This can cause students and teachers to feel stuck and...
Virtual Learning: Opposite Sides of the Spectrum
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented shift in the way that schooling is done in America. While schools are closing their physical gates,...
A look at four of the 2020 Propositions
by Divya Arjun and Jordan Parish
The 2020 election was a historic one, no doubt, with coronavirus, economic deterioration, and jeopardy of civil rights involved. ...