With so many top hits, new albums from various artists and genres and so many streaming services what platform do our fellow Colts prefer to listen to their music on? Spotify or Apple Music?
Both Apple Music and Spotify take a huge part in the music streaming industry each one having millions of subscribers and active users. Both also have a great variety of music, Spotify claiming to have over 35 million songs while Apple Music claims to have over 45 million.
Music influences teenage behavior in many ways, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, 53% of teens 12 to 17 do something else while studying including listening to music. We asked our Logan colts for their opinion between Spotify or Apple Music and here’s what they have to say…
“Apple Music for sure,” says Logan Senior Liliana Guardado. “It’s more convenient, I don’t have to download another app! The best part is you don’t need WiFi to play it and download songs. You can play whatever you want whenever you want !”
“Spotify of course, it’s free! “ Senior Stephanie Gonzalez exclaims. “You don’t have to pay for the music you’re listening to! You can always go premium but the free version is so good. I really love it because it has way more variety such as smaller artists. The only con is I can’t always skip or choose the songs I like. Plus not everyone owns an apple product.”
Apple Music is much newer than Spotify as it’s only been opened for 3 years but has quickly become one of the best streaming services right along with Spotify. It has also become beneficial to those who own Apple products, for those who don’t Spotify is a great alternative that’s been around for a longer time.
“Apple Music is much better; I can just ask Siri to play a song & she’ll do it.” Logan student Salvador Esquibel says. He continues with, “Spotify wasn’t for me, because just like Pandora I run out of skips! But the serious question is, why do I need to pay for apple music if I have an iPhone? I guess that’s the only downside.”