By Izabella Gonzalez, Courier Staff Writer

James Logan welcomes a new English class for the 2017-2018 school year. English for Future Teachers will be a year long course designed for seniors.

Taking English for Future Teachers would satisfy the english requirement to graduate. It is currently in the process of obtaining the UC/CSU “b” course approval.

Ms.Schwartzfarb will be the teacher. She taught a very similar class several years ago. Since then she has not had any students. Instead she has been working as a literature coach, the ELA department head, and for BTSA here at Logan- a program that provides resources and assistance for teachers starting out in the field.

She already has a plan for the year laid out. During the first semester, students would observe elementary classrooms and connect with the teachers. In the third quarter, students can expect to earn an internship at a local elementary school. Guest speakers from within the district would be making appearances in the fourth quarter. Ms.Schwartzfarb really stresses the importance of building relationships with teachers as well as other students.

Someone that could tell you more about that would be Ms.Esquivez, an Ethnic Studies teacher here at Logan. She took the class when it was still offered at Logan, and her experience helped her towards her goal of becoming a teacher. Among some of the work she had to do for the class was to create a lesson plan. “It gave us a little taste of what was to come. It’s different than being student, we got behind the scenes of a classroom,” she shares. Ms.Esquivez has even kept in touch with the other students from her class, who all become teachers, even though some went on to teach in other districts.

Ms.Schwartzfarb’s goal for the course is for students to walk away knowing what it means to be a teacher. “There is a shortage of teachers, and of course we want to hire the best of the best,” she confides. If any future seniors are interested or have questions, she welcomes them to email her. She is looking forward to having students once again.