As this school year starts many students were nervous, anxious or excited, some of us didn’t want to come back to school whereas some were dying to reconnect with friends and be done with boring summer. But no matter what all Logan Colts came together at the Welcome back Assembly. The spirit of this school truly made all students forget about their stress, nervousness, anxieties and filled them up with nothing but spirit thanks to Logan’s wonderful staff and a wide diversity of cultures among students. Mr. Shawn said in his wonderful speech at the Welcome back assembly that “Logan is most unique because of its diversity. Logan houses students from over 60+ countries and representation of over 45+ languages.”

However Logan Colts had a different more energetic point of view on the assembly, most of them really enjoyed and looked forward to the assembly due to the fun and entertaining games which were held at the assembly. Logan Freshman Soraya Seumalo says “She loved the Welcome back assembly because of the entertaining games at the assembly and she really liked the concept of involving students from the assembly to play games on the floor and thought that that’s a unique touch because back at middle school only the teachers and admin talked the whole time and it became boring for the students but here at Logan there was an amazing balance between both that made the assembly really fun and entertaining.”

Not just Freshmen enjoyed the games Logan Senior Allen Siaotong thought that “this year’s assembly was the best among all 4 years of his high school Welcome back assemblies due to the wonderful leadership crew that we have this year and the games were really entertaining and always kept them up on their feet and made them forget everything at that moment and filled them up with energy and joy for their respective sections to win the game. He also said that the assembly was really well put together but one thing that he would add to the assembly is a bit more time and make it a bit longer than it is but overall he felt really energetic after the assembly and was sad that this was his last welcome back assembly at James Logan High School.” Logan’s students being so energetic at the welcome back assembly filled everyone up with energy and spirit for the wonderful school year ahead of them.