By Myeshia Manzoor and Havyn Basconcillo

Speech and Debate is a high school program where students compete in events and is an extracurricular which gives students confidence and grants opportunities beyond the classroom. Contrary to popular belief, Speech and Debate isn’t just about presenting arguments and achieving awards—it’s about building a unique, tight-knit family that prioritizes a language of respect, growth, and shared victories as a team. Many students bond with the people in the community they build by being a part of the James Logan forensics team.
“Forensics is something that I wake up for, it’s a passion that makes me enjoy coming to school. The community is very welcoming, friendly, and I truly come to school to see the people and to build relationships with the community,” says sophomore Dylan Ngo. Dylan has been on the Speech team since freshman year and he expresses the love and passion he has for his Forensics team.
Mr. Kurup, a Forensics teacher who was previously on the team before graduating high school says, “The community is like a family, we spend a lot of time together because we’re constantly practicing. We have class and then after school practice, so we’re always together. A lot of us spend more time with each other than we do with our own family. It just has to be a supportive community for it to work. I think the way that we have the program structured is that a lot of our older students help our younger students and it feels like older siblings supporting one another. We definitely feel like a family.” Mr. Kurup emphasizes how the community and bond that has been built by the students and teachers of the program feels familial.

Forensics is available to all students of all grade levels, and many students from each grade enjoy taking part in the extracurricular. Lakshna Sivadarshan, a freshman who is experiencing her first year on the Logan Forensics team says, “No one judges you here and everyone’s really nice. If you’re stressing about something or having a hard time, people will come and support you!”
The bond formed among teammates goes beyond collaboration. The Logan Forensics team supports one another through the highs and lows of competition, offering encouragement, constructive feedback, and a sense of friendship that goes well beyond the classroom or a competition room. Together, they share victories, learn from defeats, and grow as both speakers and individuals. Ultimately, the family created in Speech and Debate fosters an environment where personal growth, teamwork, and shared passion for communication thrive.