Toilet Seat Covers? Not for Students


Most of us know how unsanitary toilets are, especially at a high school with over 3600 students. Everyone should have the right to sanitary appliances, including toilet seat covers. However, at Logan, the student restrooms don’t have toilet seat covers.  This causes a number of problems.

“If toilet seat covers were provided, then I would definitely use them. I feel that toilet seat covers can help us get an extra layer of protection from bacteria,” Senior Marlene Lopez said.

Without the covers, students either squat or layer up toilet paper and place it on the seat. Although there is no definitive research that shows toilet seat covers always make toilets more sanitary, many students feel safer with the product. Bacteria can cause infections and viruses to go around the school. In a high school environment, diseases spread very easily and can be contagious. 

Most teachers make students wait until they’re done speaking to use the restroom so, when students finally get to the restroom they are in a rush to go. Spending time layering toilet paper on a seat takes up time so you are standing there doing your little dance. Also, teachers and staff want the students to be fast in the restroom, but if you’re taking the time putting toilet paper on the seat, using the restroom takes longer.

Students also use more toilet paper which means it runs out faster. The school has to order more and custodians have to refill the restrooms more frequently. Many students believe that toilet seat covers are a necessity.

It’s clear that the custodians do the best they can, but a school of Logan’s size has too many bathrooms to clean thoroughly every day. However, students play a huge part in making the restrooms dirty. If everyone cleaned up after themselves instead of leaving a mess of wet wads of toilet paper thrown on the ceiling or unraveling the toilet paper in the dispenser; the bathroom would be a lot cleaner. Students may keep the bathrooms cleaner if they have toilet seat covers to feel cleaner as well.

“[The janitors] may clean the bathrooms every day, but it’s very vague,” Junior Shaila Graham said. “The toilet paper is horrible, it doesn’t feel like the soap is cleaning anything, and also there are no toilet seat covers.”

Graham holds the opinion of many. It seems there should be a little more for the students.

Overall, the bathroom could be cleaner, but it shouldn’t be only the custodian’s job. Students need to be held accountable to clean up after themselves after using the bathroom. Toilet seat covers would be a huge help for many reasons. Students should be able to feel clean and safe at school, not dirty and skeptical about what lies around the bathroom, especially on their toilet seats without covers.


  1. Took you guys soo long to finally write about the bathrooms! I have been getting signatures from staff and students and have been trying to get them clean but no one seems to be helping! I think it’s ridiculous that there was an article written about the bathrooms and no one asked about the fact that I’ve been working to fix them. It’s so annoying.

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