By Amber McGee
Editor in Chief

As of 1:09pm James Logan has been put on lockdown notice.
The Union City Police department recommended the lockdown to school officials after receiving what they say is a “suspicious” 911 call.
At the time students were out at 5th period lunch, but now hundreds are sitting in classrooms that don’t belong to any of their teachers in order to remain safe.
This is an updating story, and more will be added later as more details emerge.
UPDATE @ 1:57pm:
“All students and staff at James Logan High School are safe and accounted for. As a precautionary measure, the Logan campus was locked down at the direction of the Union City Police Department due to a general threat the department received at approximately 1:00 pm. As of 1:30 pm, the campus is still on lockdown.”
Updates are continuing below.
UPDATE @ 2:05pm:
Police are searching the campus with their automatic weapons out.
UPDATE @ 2:25pm:
“UCPD is doing a sweep of the area. We will hopefully be off lockdown soon. At this time all staff and students are accounted for and safe. Again, this is a precautionary lock down. Please help students stay calm and with you until we make an announcement. ” -Abhi Brar, principal
UPDATE @ 2:38pm:
It’s being reported that the search is about 65% done. Local news helicopters are also being reported as flying over the school.
UPDATE @ 3:14pm:
Latest new claims that the search is about 75% complete.
UPDATE @ 3:26pm:
The lock down has been lifted and students are now leaving the campus.
At this time information on why there was specifically a lock down is not known.
Please change the time to 1:09PM (if possible that is), as that’s exactly when the lockdown began, thank you. ~GuyWithASynchronizedWatch
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