By Amber McGee

Editor in Chief

The first quarter of the school year ended last week with students stranded in various classrooms and buildings as the school entered a lockdown situation.

According to principal Abhi Brar, the lockdown was put in place because the Union City Police Department received an anonymous 911 call warning of a school shooting.

After an extensive search of the campus that took place over two hours, the call was deemed unfounded, and students were allowed to leave campus. Police cars were still sitting in the student parking lot after school as students left.

While not the longest in Logan’s history, for many students this was their first experience with a lockdown that lasted more than 30-45 minutes.

Though there was no lockdown, last year there was an incident in which a student posted bomb and shooting threats on an anonymous Twitter page. Specific students were even tagged in posts. Within a day however the threat was deemed false, and the identity of the student was found. They were later expelled.