By Sarah Bellal
Courier Fashion Columnist
(Note: This is a work of Satire)
With the 2016 United States presidential election right around the corner, the candidates are hot topics among both the young and old. Presidential fashion is an especially popular conversation starter. Here’s how to dress like your favorite potential, past, and confirmed presidential candidates while remaining on-trend.
- Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary is so famous for the pantsuit it’s not even funny. Seriously. I’m writing this with a straight face. Switch out the career pants for a fitted trouser and the shoulder pads for a boyfriend blazer for a modern take on Hillary’s signature style.
My efforts to educate you on how to actually look fashionable while emulating these politicians end here because that is only possible with Hillary.
Ted Cruz’ campaigning angle is that he is the most conservative presidential candidate. Express your Cruz-inspired patriotism with this all American get up. If there are too many American flags for your taste, thrown in a confederate flag belt for some diversity (pun intended).
- Bobby Jindal
White washed denim. White washed brown person. I needn’t say more.
- Mitt Romney
He’s not running this year, but you might want to rock a look inspired by good old Mitt. The “Rmoney” logo was inspired by a little mishap when Mitt’s children, each wearing a shirt with a letter of his name on it, stood in the wrong order. This shirt will also serve as a reminder of exactly how much money Mitt Romney has and how little you have in comparison, as will the shorts.
- Bernie Sanders
Oh i’m sorry, wrong Sanders? Sue me.