By Stephanie Ramirez, Courier Staff Writer
The Puente Counselor in House 3, Ms. Meza, left us on September 16th and will be gone till March due to her having a baby. Ms.Meza was due Sept. 17th and is expecting a baby girl. While she is gone Mr. Huertas, the Ballet Folklorico instructor will be taking her place.
Some students believe it may be hard to have a new counselor take over Puente responsibilities. A junior, Leslie Sanroman, says “ I feel like it’ll be hard for him to deal with certain things like the junior’s SoCal trip.” In October, Puente Juniors will be heading to Southern California to visit the various universities and Mr.Huertas will be attending in place of Ms.Meza.
Another junior, Molly Troxclair, says “ It’s an inconvenience, but all of the puente students will get through it.” Mostly, everyone in Puente will miss Ms. Meza and what she does for the program and her students. The Puente Program is known for being a family and everyone will miss her dearly.
Ms.Meza finished most work before leaving especially with SoCal paperwork. She says. “I believe when I leave, it won’t be chaotic and I hope it isn’t because there is a group of counselors, administrators, and a principal to help Mr.Huertas, he also has Office Aides to help.