By Britney Magat

Courier Staff Reporter

White_chicken_egg_squareBefore Thanksgiving break, a little incident happened in the hallways. There were eggs being thrown at in the middle of them, splattered all over the place.

Ms. Jackson (the ceramics teacher) had eggs thrown at her door when it was wide open. She explains that she likes to “leave [her] door open because it gets dusty in here so [she] always has[her] door open, so they just ran and threw it.” The eggs were thrown at her cabinet where her posters were that are now ruined. They are now replaced with new posters.

She has a suspicion of who did it.

“Boys because I could tell by the way they laugh thinking they were really funny.” She believed that they didn’t do it intentionally and did it for fun like a prank. She continues saying, “I did have a science teacher apologize to me saying she was pretty sure it was from her class.” At that time of the week, Conceptual Physics had a project that had to do with eggs and it just got out of hand.

The Conceptual Physic teachers had different ways of keeping track of their eggs. One teacher hid their eggs and another teacher would give their student a zero if the eggs were missing. Ms. Jackson said, “Moral of the story is keep track of your eggs.”