By Amber McGee

Editor in Chief


Beginning last week a big rumor swept over the senior class, the rumor that there would be no senior quotes in this year’s yearbook.

It’s now been confirmed that there will in fact be no quotes in this year, and with that confirmation a few students have become frustrated enough to begin a petition.

Using the hashtag #ColtQuotes, senior Alexandra Newsom and a group of other students, who asked not to be named, are trying to convince Activities Director Glaze to bring back what they feel is an important part of senior year.

“I think it’s one of our senior rights, one of our traditions. When traditions go away you really feel it,” explained one of the students involved in the petition. “Our quotes sum up our four years in one sentence. It’s important.”

This sentiment seems to be shared with at least a few of the other seniors on campus. Some have even said that this issue of whether to include quotes or not doesn’t affect just the senior class, but the underclassmen as well.

“It’s not his yearbook, it’s ours,” Newsom, the originator of the petition, stated. “The fact that he didn’t tell us, and just tried to sneak it under the rug by not making an announcement, is deplorable. Even if you don’t want a quote, we need the student body as a whole to work together, because we’re trying to set a precedent for future graduating classes. We’re hoping that it encourages other students to push for changes they want to see in the school.”

Currently efforts to gain senior quotes back have been done primarily through social media. The group has set up a Facebook page alongside creating the petition and hashtag. They also plan to write the link on classroom boards, and even speak to their class about the petition. At the time of the interview, it was unclear whether a Logan Live announcement would be possible to achieve or not.

For the time being however, the group is remaining hopeful and dedicated.

“If it fails we’re going to debate about it, and we’ll hope that all the students who signed continue to help us then,” one of the group members commented.

Remaining resolute with her stance, Newsom explained that “in the case it happens, we would attempt to meet conditions and negotiate as best as possible, but the main goal is to get the quotes back in.”


The petition deadline has been moved to February 5th, 3:25pm.

The currently planned closing date for the petition is February 12th, 3:25pm. This was an especially important piece to figure out, since, according to Newsom, deadlines were what started this whole thing.

“I only found out we weren’t getting quotes when I asked when the due date was. So the petition was kind of spur of the moment.”

The anon. student shook their head in agreement at that. “I do hope they start telling us about deadlines earlier, rather than jumping it on us.”

At this time Newsom asks that only seniors sign the petition, however underclassmen are encouraged to use the hashtag, like the Facebook page, and help spread the word.