Auditions For Spring Musical This Wednesday And Thursday
By Kayla Martinez
Entertainment Editor
Auditions for In The Heights are literally around the corner. They will be held November 4th, 5th, and possibly the 6th...
The Spirit of Halloween Visits Logan
Photos taken by Courier staff photographers Elizabeth Ruiz, Emma Kalonda, and Brian O'Neil.
Future Juniors, Consider The Global Glimpse Program
By Ajuni Kaur
Courier Staff Reporter
Global Glimpse is a movement that focuses on broadening the horizon of educational opportunities overseas. With the help of different...
QOW: Throwback Thursday
By Alexandra Tenorio
Courier Staff Reporter
Since Back to the Future has been so popular lately, we decided to create a question of the week just...
A Glance At The Student Of The Month Program
By Katelyne Montemayor
Courier Staff Reporter
Throughout the school year “Student of the Month” certificates are handed out by various teachers. The person behind this kind...
Chef Herve Wins ROP Teacher of the Year
By Zackary Nichols
Courier Staff Reporter
Chef Herve Le Biavant has been awarded ROP Teacher of the Year. Chef is Logan’s Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management...
Club Spotlight: International Thespian Society
By Kayla Martinez
Entertainment Editor
Until the 2015-2016 school year, James Logan’s drama club has been limited to a club secluded within the Performing Arts building...
Reason For Friday Lockdown Revealed
By Amber McGee
Editor in Chief
The first quarter of the school year ended last week with students stranded in various classrooms and buildings as the...
School Put On Lockdown After Suspicious 911 Call
By Amber McGee
Editor in Chief
As of 1:09pm James Logan has been put on lockdown notice.
The Union City Police department recommended the lockdown to school...
Blood Drive Success
By Jovanna Brinck
Courier Staff Reporter
Logan’s blood drive had another successful year.
The American Red Cross organization came and withdrew blood from donors on Wednesday...