54 F
Union City
Friday, March 14, 2025

Loss of Mr. Carini’s Kittens

By Kyla Laquian Courier Staff Reporter  The day a person gets a pet, is the day that a new light is breathed into your life. It...

With Selma in the spotlight, its blight is impossible to miss

By Daniel Malloy The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (TNS) SELMA, Ala. – Swelling with pride at its place in history, this city is in a frenzy as it...

Featured Film Friday: The Duff

By Leilani Neal Feature Film Columnist Amazing how a simple word can change how teens see themselves. And kicking off the teen season of 2015,...

Student Shares About Artisan-Friendly Clothing Line

By Jessica Esquibel Courier Staff Reporter Wear the World. That’s what Serengetee’s phrase is. If this is the first time you are hearing of Serengetee,...

Indian Food to Unify All

By Kyla Laquian Courier Staff Reporter Striding through the Logan hallways towards the curriculum center, a uniquely aromatic scent tickled my nose, one that is warmly...

Weekly Reader: Those Who Wish Me Dead

By Amber McGee Courier Columnist  Jace Wilson is your average thirteen year old boy. There’s nothing inherently different or special about him. He’s afraid of heights,...

UC Berkeley Day With Mr. Prucha

By Eli Permitio Courier Staff Reporter U.C Berkeley is a public research university that is located in Berkeley, California. It is famous and is a most...

Ms. Allen’s Classes Celebrate Black History

By Leilani Neal Courier Staff Columnist With the multi-ethnic group at James Logan, the same could be said about Ms. Dorothy Allen's African American History...

Students Who Come Back As Teachers

By Elijah Permito  Courier Staff Reporter It may be more common than you think. Students who attend school often graduate and go off to college for...

Historical U.S. Olympians Inspire Union City Youth

By Megan Duenas Editor in Chief  Walking into the Performing Arts theater on February 6th, it was a moment that would last in the ears and...