I’ve always assumed that being a “feminist” meant being a womyn that constantly fights against a man’s words and that they are entitled to being insecure. A womyn who needs clarity to make her believe that she is equal in America. Yet for all they think they know, that isn’t the scenario at all.

The controversial term “Feminist” or “Feminism” has a stronger meaning than what people, specifically men, think it means. Being a womyn in America, the word feminism describes how dedicated we are to stand up for what we believe in and to stand up for our morals.
In the past couple of years as I got older, I slowly began to understand this word and what it means to me as a young womyn of color living in the Bay Area. I began to realize that most of the men here are fixed into a sexual and dirty mindset instead of a grown one. When they can’t have what they want, they lash out and try to tear us womyn down.
In the 10th grade, my body began to change, curves began to show more, my acne went away, and I was noticed more; many boys and older men tried to make a move on me all the time. That’s when I began to think Is this who I am to people? A toy? A thing to be touched? A poster to be gawked at?
In public, by being by myself a lot, many guys thought of it as a green light to approach me as if I was a sculpture to touch. Even if I was just going out to get food or go to Walmart, I always felt violated physically, or just by the “looks” I would get. That’s when I came to my senses that it’s not because of what I wear, how I walk, or how I talk, it’s the men. It’s based on how they control themselves, and how they react to what they see.
I find it truly disgusting, and repulsive for the fact that after all these years after all these womyn have fought for equality in every aspect there is, our society is still the same. Often times, men are vigorously hungry to wanting any womyn, even worse, to put us down, to put their hands on us, to belittle us, and show us zero equality in the world.
Just look at the Kavanaugh case, Christine Blasey Ford received no justice after coming forward about being assaulted by Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh.
Looking at that, it made me realize that I need to start defending myself more, even the little things that happen can go a long way if I speak up. Although people still have comments to say about how I’m lying about my altercations and experiences and how it’s my fault for why these things happen, I still have the courage to speak up and talk about it, get it off my chest, vent, and express my feelings.
In reality, I am just another strong womyn standing up for what I believe is justice in my own eyes, speaking up, telling my story to you. These things that have happened to me, I am 100% sure it has happened to many more womyn, but some are afraid of targeted abuse, the backlash, or being too embarrassed for men’s faults to speak up.
Many more womyn and including myself have been criticized for being ourselves and having the blame on us, stopping us from wanting to tell our perspectives because “a man’s point of view is the right point of view”. Speaking up is really showing how strong us womyn are and how we won’t back down from wanting equality in America. Letting people know that womyn have always been the big cheese in making our society successful and proving our dominance.
British author, Rebecca West once said, “I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.”
Ladies, do what you think is the right thing, we can’t just let others bring us down when all we’re trying to do is be the better us we can be. No one can ever offend you without your permission, anyone can say whatever they want, but you have the right to ignore it. We are all beautiful in our own way, don’t let others steal that from you. Speak up and you will be heard.
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